At St Paul's, we support each individual student to develop academically, spiritually, physically, socially and emotionally, in a caring and nurturing school environment.
Our St Paul's students, staff & families express and give witness to our Catholic identity every day – including a strong connection with our St Paul's Parish community.
At St Paul's, we take an active role in being stewards of the environment. Students participate in a range of initiatives that empower them to care for creation.
Meet our wonderful, dedicated team of teachers and support staff at St Paul's Camden.
Parish Priest: Father Michael Williams
Assistant Parish Priest: Father Joseph Pothenparimpil
Assistant Parish Priest: Father Anthony Crook
Principal: Mr Michael Reardon
Assistant Principal: Mrs Sheereen Brunetta
Religious Education Coordinator and Pastoral Care & Wellbeing Leader: Mrs Maria Debrincat
Senior School Support Officer: Mrs Bronwyn Roberts
Middle Leaders:
Mrs Catherine Hatter (Early Stage 1, Mathematics, PB4L)
Mrs Andrea Martin (Year 6, Mathematics, ICLT)
Mrs Angela Mourinho (Year 1 & Year 2, Literacy Coach)
Mrs Kristin King (Year 5, SEMP, Science)
Mrs Julie Smith (Year 3 & Year 4, Instructional Coach)
Classroom Teachers:
Kindergarten Hope Teacher: Mrs Rebecca Dawkins
Kindergarten Faith Teacher: Mrs Sandra Proietti
Kindergarten Truth Teacher: Miss Lydia Josef
Kindergarten Support Teacher: Mrs Amy Vella
Kindergarten PPT: Mrs Kerry Devine, Mrs Maria Debrincat & Mrs Kristy Fielding
Year 1 Hope Teacher: Miss Lisa Young
Year 1 Faith Teacher: Mrs Catherine Hatter
Year 1 Truth Teacher: Miss Sarah Florio
Year 2 Hope Teacher: Miss Grace Marabello
Year 2 Faith Teacher: Mrs Andrea Martin & Mrs Anglea Mourinho
Year 2 Truth Teacher: Mrs Julie Gallagher
Year 3 Hope Teacher: Mrs Kylie Booth
Year 3 Faith Teacher: Mrs Ciara Marchant
Year 3 Truth Teacher: Miss Rachel Daffara
Year 4 Hope Teacher: Mrs Rachel Sheahan
Year 4 Faith Teacher: Mrs Joanne Buchanan
Year 4 Truth Teacher: Miss Georgie Glover
Year 5 Hope Teacher: Mrs Alicia Failia
Year 5 Faith Teacher: Mrs Lisa Alvaro
Year 5 Truth Teacher: Mrs Rowena Lloyd
Year 6 Hope Teacher: Mr Kevin Robinson
Year 6 Faith Teacher: Miss Kylie Xerri
Year 6 Truth Teacher: Mrs Kristen King & Mrs Julie Smith
Tier 3 Learning Intervention:
Mrs Mel Waters (Mon – Thurs)
Mrs Kerry Devine (Tues – Wed & Thurs am)
History Teacher (PPT): Mrs Robyn Bielaczek
PE Teacher (PPT): Mrs Joanne Groot
Music & Drama Teacher (PPT): Mrs Maria Baric
Teacher Librarian: Mrs Christine Jaques (Mon – Thurs)
Sport Management & IT Support: Mrs Kristy Fielding (Wed & Thurs am)
School Support Officers:
Mrs Kim Mangiapane
Mrs Amanda Newcombe
Miss Rosie Larkin
Mrs Fiona Driver
Mrs Sharon Ferdinands
Mrs Stephanie Hardiman-Stone
Miss Karen Meek
Mrs Kaylene Moy
Sr Helen O’Connell
Mrs Natalie Poppleton
Mrs Leanne Taylor
Mrs Michelle Valente
School Counsellor: Mrs Jo Rogan (Mon – Wed)
To apply for any staff positions being advertised at St Paul's, visit the CEDoW Positions Vacant page.